family connecting and happy



Did you know that we all have trauma responses that sabotage us?

They show up as high-functioning anxiety, chronic pain, episodes of anger, depression, and conflicts in relationships.

You can change this.

You can understand your trauma responses and conquer them so that you can have better relationships, reach your highest goals and soar past your limits, while also enjoying calm, joy, clarity, alignment and connection in your life.

We want to show you how.

In this masterclass, you will walk away with clinically effective tools to immediately:


    Regulate yourself to minimize patterns that keep you stuck.


    Rewire your brain to break through personal and professional plateaus.


    Repair and optimize your relationships at home and work


    Return to how you felt before trauma, with ease and joy in your life.

We will teach you so that you will be able to implement these tools right away.

 Join the MT Team for a high-impact, masterclass to help you understand your trauma responses, how they are holding you back, and step confidently into the fullest potential for your life.

Meet the Mending Trauma Presenters

  • Dr. Amy Hoyt

    Amy Hoyt has a PhD and is certified in Trauma and Traumatic Stress Studies. As a SA trauma survivor and DV survivor, she is passionate about teaching others to reprogram their brains and regulate their nervous systems so they can recover from trauma. She uses somatic therapy and brain rewiring techniques to help her clients find peace after trauma.

  • Leina Hoyt, MFT, MA

    Leina Hoyt has been a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist in California for 20 years and has helped thousands of clients overcome trauma. She is trained in EMDR, IFS, Polyvagal theory, Somatic therapies, and many other trauma-informed interventions. Leina focuses her work on the connection between the brain, behavior and trauma.

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