The Whole Health Lab

Evidenced Based Trauma Recovery

Designed by doctors, therapists and professors

Does any of this sound familiar?

  • You feel on edge most days.

  • You can’t fall asleep and if you do, you usually can’t sleep through the night.

  • Your energy is low, and you are usually tired.

  • You feel alone and disconnected from others.

  • You drink more than you want, even when you tell yourself you will cut back.

  • You wonder if you can actually feel better.

Deep down, you think

  • if you look at your trauma you won’t be able to function

  • you’ve already done talk therapy and it hasn’t helped enough

  • you have worked hard and are tired of dealing with the past

  • that it may not be possible to overcome your trauma

Here is what we know:

  • You can heal trauma and continue to function.

    Trauma recovery with trauma experts is designed to NOT overwhelm your system. Our program paces you and is designed by doctors and therapists.

  • Talk therapy isn't enough.

    Research shows that the body holds on to trauma, and somatic therapy must be included to recover from trauma effectively.

  • Spirituality is clinically effective for trauma recovery.

    All parts of yourself need to be well in order to heal from trauma. This includes your spiritual life. Religion, spirituality or worshiping nature are all valid in recovery.

How do we know?

We are a team of experts in trauma & toxic stress.

We have helped thousands of people.

We can guide you.

  Introducing The Whole Health Lab

Integrative wellness for trauma recovery

Designed by doctors, cytologists, therapists & professors

Experience Immediate Relief

Meet Dayna. She experienced results quickly and was able to blow the lid off her business and personal life. You deserve to feel better. You deserve to let go of pain that is decades old. You deserve to recover as soon as possible.

More Client Recovery Testimonials


  1. Individual Assessment

    confidential 15-minute session to create your personal roadmap

  2. Clinically Effective Tool Kit

    Educational videos and workbooks for on-demand learning

  3. Secure and Private Community (based on gender identity)

    Completely off of social media

  4. Neuropsychology Skill focused Learning:

    • Nervous System Regulation

    • Neuroscience and brain reprogramming

    • Polyvagal theory and somatic therapy

    • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy/CBT

    • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy/DBT

    • Internal Family Systems/IFS

    • Attachment theory

    • Resilience training

    Delivered live and recorded for on-demand viewing

  5. Somatic Therapies

    • Tapping - Emotional Freedom Technique/EFT

    • Trauma-informed yoga

    • Breathwork for trauma

    • Somatic Experiencing

    • Myofascial release

    • Intuitive movement

    • Sound Healing

    • Meditation

    Recorded for on-demand viewing

  6. Group EMDR

    3x month Live EMDR sessions with certified and licensed therapist

    Live only, not recorded

  7. Monthly Guest Experts

    Financial Trauma, Parenting after Trauma, Trauma and Childbirth, Grief and Loss, & more

    Live & recorded

  8. Weekly Community Connection

    Live community event moderated by a trauma expert

Are you ready to feel relief?

Look inside the Whole Health Lab

If what you want is MORE….

  • More connection

  • More calm

  • More presence

  • More peace

  • More trust

  • More love

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You’re in the right place

Join The Whole Health Lab

for immediate access


  • Our clients experience significant relief from some of their symptoms within the first 30 days, if they participate in EMDR, Community Connection and do the somatic and cognitive methods we teach.

    After 60 days, clients experience a further reduction in symptoms.

    After 90 days, clients feel a marked difference from when they came into the program, reporting better sleep, less anxiety and more feelings of connections with others.

    We recommend people stay in the program for 12 months in order to get the maximum benefit but it is a month-to-month subscription and you can end your membership at any time.

  • This is a common concern. As trauma certified mental health professionals, we are trained to help clients look at their past in small, digestible ways that do not overwhelm their nervous system for sustained periods of time. Our goal is to guide you to minimize the symptoms of trauma (insomnia, anxiety, depression, etc.) without overwhelming you. We teach you to listen to your nervous system and pay attention to your thoughts so that you can pause when needed along the healing path.

  • The Whole Health Lab is designed for anyone who wants to minimize the symptoms of trauma and toxic stress from their lives. We designed the program for women who need a digital/virtual learning platform and who need to learn in short bursts due to their busy schedule.

  • Yes, we don’t encourage you to share more than you are comfortable with. Research shows that talking about your past traumas extensively can retrigger us and cause more damage. It is important to acknowledge the past trauma (not publically) but it is not necessary to share your trauma with groups of people, or with anyone you do not feel ready to share with.

  • Yes, each month you receive a 15 minute 1:1 check in where a trauma trained mental health coach goes over your individual program, your symptoms and answers any questions you might have. We also provide group EMDR, group community platform for communicating and weekly group events to connect and get questions answered, support or share some of your wins.

  • We use clinically effective tools that are from the fields of neuroscience, psychology, occupational therapy, conflict studies, spirituality and psychobiology. We use polyvagal theory, somatic experiencing, EMDR, EFT, IFS, meditation and art-based methods to help clients reconnect to themselves, their Higher Power and others.

    We combine the methods that have been highlighted by the research in these fields, particularly looking at the meta studies that have been conducted and utilizing a bottom-up approach to help clients recover from the symptoms of trauma and toxic stress.

  • EMDR is a revolutionary way of reprocessing traumatic memories iwthout verbally sharing the details of the trauma. Research shows that it is 8x as effective as one talk therapy session. EMDR lasts about 45-55 minutes and is given 3-5 times per month.

    Group EMDR is done over Zoom and is private and confidential. You do not talk to any of the other group members and the trained mental health professional guides you through the process by having you use drawings (that you do not share with others) to process some of the issues you want to work on.

    The protocol for group EMDR was first used in large cities that had experienced natural disasters. It is safe, effective and confidential.

  • Trauma is an event or pattern of events that fundamentally changes the way you view the world. It also changes your nervous system, causing it to get stuck in either sympathetic or dorsal states, which cause long term physical and mental damage. Trauma also changes the way you view yourself and causes a decrease in self-worth.

    Toxic stress is a result of the trauma that has been unresolved. This term comes out of the ACES study in the 1990’s conducted by Kaiser Permanente and identifies that childhood adverse events that are not repaired lead to physical health issues, such as heart and lung disease, auto-immune disorders and other medical problems.

    Essentially, the ACES study also looked at van der Kolk, et all calls trauma and came to the definitive conclusion that without resolving trauma, people will have negative health outcomes.

  • We are confident in the change The Whole Health Lab can bring to your life, and we are committed to your success.

    This is a month-to-month membership, and you can discontinue your subscription anytime. If you cancel your membership, your access to The Whole Health Lab will be valid until the end of your monthly subscription.