Your trauma response is
Arousal or Reactivity
When we experience trauma, we go into a survival response, either fight, flight or freeze. If the trauma goes untreated, our nervous system stays in the survival response until the trauma is dealt with and processed.
Arousal or reactivity symptoms are a fight response.
Studies show when our nervous system is stuck in fight, we have mental and physical health challenges that get more pronounced over time.
Trauma can be healed.
You can recover.
There is hope.
How do you know if Arousal or Reactivity are the main way your trauma shows up?
Let’s play “Tick the boxes!” Do you…
✅ Get angry easily, sometimes out of nowhere
✅Often feel agitated and revved up
✅ Stay on high alert around others
✅ Often need to feel in control
✅ Worry that others might think they can get the upper hand
✅ Get accused by others of overreacting at times
✅ Work hard and play hard, sometimes too hard
✅ Look for confrontation and sometimes start one
...if you check even 3 of these boxes, then chances are your arousal or reactivity trauma responses are holding you back from living with peace and might even be seriously damaging your relationships.
Resolve Your Arousal and Reactivity Response to Trauma
Emerging research shows that trauma is best resolved with a multi-pronged approach. Specifically, rewiring the brain, resetting the nervous system and strengthening connections with others and your overall belief system is the approach that is most effective.
In order to resolve arousal and reactivity responses and feel better, we teach you tools to get your nervous system out of the fight mode. Because the nervous system is so integral to overall health, when you move out of fight/flight/freeze mode and into healthy coping mechanisms, you find relief from mental, physical and spiritual symptoms.