Grounding Techniques
Today we are going to talk about grounding techniques.
Becoming more present to the present
We're excited to share with you a grounding technique that can be very effective and can be done very unobtrusively as necessary. The idea behind a grounding technique is to become more present to the present. The idea of being present means that we're not stuck in the past and the worries about the past. We're not worried about the future and focusing on the future. And typically, in the present, everything is okay. The goal then is to get the body, the brain, and the emotions regulated by coming into the present.
Tools we can use
There are many tools that can help us do that. One of the most effective and unobtrusive ones is bilateral stimulation. The butterfly tap or hug can be done by crossing our arms and doing alternating taps, one at a time on each side. This can also be done on your knee to have less obvious grounding happening. You tap on your knees, alternating sides. And you can also do that with your toes in your shoes or tap your shoes, the heel or the toe, every other alternating between sides.
These tools are designed to open up your brain and to help your brain process what's happening and get you back into regulation so that you have the agency to choose how to manage what's happening for you in the present moment. And it takes us away from being controlled as much by our past or controlled as much by our fears of the future.
For additional tips on mental health, trauma, and so much more, check out The Universe Is Your Therapist Podcast!
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