Amy Hoyt Amy Hoyt

Seasonal Affective Disorder And How It Relates To Trauma In The Body

Seasonal Affective Disorder, otherwise known as S.A.D., is a sustained dip in mood associated with the change in seasons. Leina and I have several family members who have this disorder and have tried different methods for treatment. 

We will cover in-depth what Seasonal Affective Disorder is, how to know if you have S.A.D., and how to improve the effects it has on you.

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Amy Hoyt Amy Hoyt

How Do I Know If I Am Overdrinking

There is a fine line between socially drinking and overdrinking. Over the last two years, many people have started to question if they are overdrinking.

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Amy Hoyt Amy Hoyt

How to Build Up Mental Fitness

Today, we’re talking about preventative mental health. We want to compare this to our physical health and how we have a genetic disposition, or even just higher risk factors as we're going through a global pandemic. We can build resilience and can become mentally fit ahead of our stressors. Let’s shift the conversation from mental health to mental fitness.

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