What Is Radial Acceptance & Why It Is Important

Radical acceptance is a concept that is the brainchild of Marsha Linehan. Today we talk about radical acceptance and why it is important.

What Is Radial Acceptance 

Radical means for something to be all the way complete and total. It is accepting in your mind, your heart, and your body. When you stop fighting reality and stop throwing tantrums because reality is not the way you want it and let go of bitterness. We can't control anyone else. So we need to stop fighting what's going on because we can't change it. What we can change is our response to it. And that is radical acceptance.

Why Is Radical Acceptance Important

Once something has happened, and it's in the past, spending time thinking about it, ruminating about it, and being upset about it does not serve you at all. In fact, it makes things even harder and upsetting for you. Once something is in play, we can't make it be different no matter how upset we get. The concept of radical acceptance allows us to go into the experience with an expectation that things will not be exactly the way we want them to be. 

Acceptance For What It Is

There is so much power and freedom, emotionally and radically, knowing what you can change, knowing what you can't change, and learning how to put our energy and attention on the things we can change. Radical acceptance does not mean radical approval or agreement. It means that we know that we can't change something, and we accept it for what it is.

For additional tips on mental health, trauma, and so much more, check out The Universe Is Your Therapist Podcast!

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