How Do I Know If I Am Overdrinking
There is a fine line between socially drinking and overdrinking. Over the last two years, many people have started to question if they are overdrinking.
Self-soothing Vs. Self-care
Today we talk about the differences between self-soothing and self-care.
Numbing Behaviors We Use to Avoid Feelings
Today we will talk about Numbing Behaviors We Use to Avoid Feelings and how to stop them.
How To Set Effective Boundaries
Today we talk about understanding how to set clear and effective boundaries in all areas of your life.
What Exactly Is A Trigger?
Today we will talk about triggers and why we can't control them.
There Is Hope
Today we will talk about perfectionism and two different tools that you can implement immediately to help you overcome your perfectionism.
The Real Definition of Perfectionism
Today we will discuss the definitions of perfectionism, trauma and how human connection affects both.
How to Understand Trauma
Today we break down what trauma is, how to know if you are affected by trauma, how to forgive yourself and move past your trauma.
How to Cope In a Positive Way
We respond in different ways, some of those are adaptive and some are maladaptive. Today we are talking about maladaptive versus adaptive coping strategies.
How to Build Up Mental Fitness
Today, we’re talking about preventative mental health. We want to compare this to our physical health and how we have a genetic disposition, or even just higher risk factors as we're going through a global pandemic. We can build resilience and can become mentally fit ahead of our stressors. Let’s shift the conversation from mental health to mental fitness.